Gilles Duval
Responsable du Pôle Comptabilité
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Tout le suivi fiscal et comptable de nos filiales suisses est réalisé au niveau de la holding luxembourgeoise, en relation étroite avec l’équipe opérationnelle genevoise.

Gilles Duval joined the Compagnie des Parcs group in december 2016, as a Senior Accountant.

In close relationship with Annick Rouxel and Patrick Haag, he is in charge of the daily accounting, tax, and treasury management of the group companies.

Gilles has 12 years accounting experience in real estate funds. He has held various positions in major real estate groups, such as LaSalle Investment Management (Accountant for an asian opportunistic fund), CB Richard Ellis (Senior Accountant on 2 european real estate funds), and Henderson Global Investors (Assistant Accounting Manager on a european fund, leader in the outlet centers sector). He has been an Accounting Manager for a trust company based in Jersey, and has made independent accounting and tax consulting in Luxembourg.

He is a Belgian resident, and graduated in accounting and management, in 2005, from the Institut Reine Astrid, Mons.


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